You just made me Happy cause every time i see rooney suck at matches or dont score goals then im sad about rooney but when i see this i still belive in ROONEY. (thank u)
@JayfuzOMarley very true, they said not one single player of the top 10 players at the moment performed as they were expected, messi, rooney, ronaldo, drogba, torres, ribery, higuin, not one performed good.
M A Y 21, 2011=JUDGMENT DAY/RAPTURE,100% FROM KING JAMES BIBLE! GO H U M B L Y TO GOD;HE RESISTS PRIDE! FREE DOWNLOAD PROOFS from WE ARE ALMOST THERE: family radio dot com EXACTLY 7000 YEARS FROM FLOOD OF NOAH; NO 2ND CHANCES. ”GOT SALVATION?” church age ended 1988;satan now rules ALL churches of world; GOD ONLY SAVING OUTSIDE OF CHURCHES! 1 Peter 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 2, and more in TRUE GOSPEL= THE KING JAMES BIBLE. !!!! MAY 21 2011 no more salvation EVER!!!
@slyarsenal I did attempt a Valencia video but it wasnt very diverse, he plays well and creates lots of goals but its hard to find good footage of him, he dsnt celebrate much either when he scores which makes it more difficult. I was not telling you to stop comments purely because they were aginst Rooney though, I’m all for a mix bag of feedback, its a comments section not a ‘write nice things section’, Its just when you go to watch a video and the comments section is an argument its annoying
@JayfuzOMarley Since you’re a gentleman, I won’t post anymore comments. But please don’t waste your time posting Rooney highlights that really belong to other players in the team for creating his goals. C’mon man wake up to yourself!!!
@hayk098888598 Sounds like you’ve been watching Football for about a week! Ever heard of guys like Ronaldo, Messi, Ibrahimovic, Henry, Bergkamp ???? Enough said!
@WAYNEROONEYLOVER Compare Rooney to Messi. ARE YOU KIDDING ME MATE!!!! Messi would run circles around him! ROONEY IS OVERRATED due to people like you. Pathetic!
Rooney is the MOST OVERRATED player in the world! Are you people blind??? Rooney can’t create goals like Ronaldo, Messi, or Fabregas . All you Man Utd supporters are fuckin biased and closed minded. Without the greats like Berbatov, Park, Vidic or Giggs Rooney would be NOTHING!!!! Get over it, he’s just an UGLY CUNT that simply is overrated!!!! Rooney’s salary should go to Berbatov!
31 thoughts on “Wayne Rooney :- The Shining Star of Manchester”
and after a few years maybe real madrid will buy him and ruin him…
I’m adding it to my favorites videos ! Best video about Rooney I’ve ever seen !! Love it!
Man U rules !
You just made me Happy cause every time i see rooney suck at matches or dont score goals then im sad about rooney but when i see this i still belive in ROONEY. (thank u)
awesome vid
this movie is just amazing!!!! And what about Wayne … as one of the comentator’ve said “pure talant like that does not come along every day” !!
we love wayne rooney fuck ronaldo
It’s R0:00NEY !
@JayfuzOMarley very true, they said not one single player of the top 10 players at the moment performed as they were expected, messi, rooney, ronaldo, drogba, torres, ribery, higuin, not one performed good.
M A Y 21, 2011=JUDGMENT DAY/RAPTURE,100% FROM KING JAMES BIBLE! GO H U M B L Y TO GOD;HE RESISTS PRIDE! FREE DOWNLOAD PROOFS from WE ARE ALMOST THERE: family radio dot com EXACTLY 7000 YEARS FROM FLOOD OF NOAH; NO 2ND CHANCES. ”GOT SALVATION?” church age ended 1988;satan now rules ALL churches of world; GOD ONLY SAVING OUTSIDE OF CHURCHES! 1 Peter 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 2, and more in TRUE GOSPEL= THE KING JAMES BIBLE. !!!! MAY 21 2011 no more salvation EVER!!!
like like like like like like like like !!!!great job!!!!
best trailer ever in begin <3 thankyou for making this jayfuz
He is just fantastic…
rooney the legend <3
@slyarsenal I did attempt a Valencia video but it wasnt very diverse, he plays well and creates lots of goals but its hard to find good footage of him, he dsnt celebrate much either when he scores which makes it more difficult. I was not telling you to stop comments purely because they were aginst Rooney though, I’m all for a mix bag of feedback, its a comments section not a ‘write nice things section’, Its just when you go to watch a video and the comments section is an argument its annoying
@slyarsenal Yeah, but it did go in, didn’t it 😉 And was undoubtedly goal of the season.
@jackyeah00 You mean that HAIL MARY I BETTER GET THIS ONE IN TO SAVE MY CAREER? Whatever he does he still can’t save his hair! LMAO
@JayfuzOMarley Since you’re a gentleman, I won’t post anymore comments. But please don’t waste your time posting Rooney highlights that really belong to other players in the team for creating his goals. C’mon man wake up to yourself!!!
@slyarsenal can we not do this here please.
@jackyeah00 Duh u imbecile! Regardless, you’re a Rooney fan! You call me dull?! Get a REALISM INJECTION you bloody wanker!
@slyarsenal I didn’t make it you dull cunt
@hayk098888598 Sounds like you’ve been watching Football for about a week! Ever heard of guys like Ronaldo, Messi, Ibrahimovic, Henry, Bergkamp ???? Enough said!
@jackyeah00 Can you NOT make another Rooney video??? Please the Football GODS are begging!
@WAYNEROONEYLOVER Compare Rooney to Messi. ARE YOU KIDDING ME MATE!!!! Messi would run circles around him! ROONEY IS OVERRATED due to people like you. Pathetic!
Rooney is the MOST OVERRATED player in the world! Are you people blind??? Rooney can’t create goals like Ronaldo, Messi, or Fabregas . All you Man Utd supporters are fuckin biased and closed minded. Without the greats like Berbatov, Park, Vidic or Giggs Rooney would be NOTHING!!!! Get over it, he’s just an UGLY CUNT that simply is overrated!!!! Rooney’s salary should go to Berbatov!
mee too!
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Cheers for this
Ronaldinho was better!
I don’t get it