Football Matters – Scouser Impressionist 2 August 17, 2011 Wayne Rooney Videos 25 Comments Rooney Video clip Score: four / five FootballImpressionistMattersScouser
25 thoughts on “Football Matters – Scouser Impressionist 2”
He is more like Rafa than Rafa himself!
@NeilAvo611 Owen’s better
never knew beckham was australian
fucking hilarious! gerrard ‘eeeerm’
scouser doing zorba’s dance is hilarious!!!
scouser doing zorba’s dance is hilarious!!!
@reeabrand123 and if u dont believe hes scouse just look anywhere on the internet or ask someone and they will tell ya.
@reeabrand123 are you fuckin retarded , he is scouse and hes an impressionist. he doesnt just do rooney carra and gerrard does.bellend.
w.h.y does it say scouse IMPRESSIONIST then? smart arse…
@reeabrand123 thats because hes from liverpool
Awesome, although you can tell he’s nervous, speaking quick!
@TheLeilisa Not necessarily, but it might help in corner kicks. The taller you are the easier it is to head the ball in.
Football is mostly a sport of strategy and fitness.
he should have done carragher,he perfect with him!!
Stevie Gerrard is spot on
Being tall such as 6ft or over is an advantage in football?
aym,i spoke with the manager
im from liverpool and his scose accent is actually amazing, he sounds like me dad! hes un believable
Rafa is spot on 😉
@Doglover345 well ill tell u wat, go back to school, go fuck ur maths teacher and get a blowjob off a heterosexual dog with three legs and scrotum infection u twat
@GTACIP This account isn’t actually him, dumbass.
Rooney ones the best lol
cristiano ronaldo plz i will sub and rate and ask all of my freinds and subbers to sub 2 u! plz
His Gerrard is wonderful! 😀